Romney Most Aesthetically Presidential Candidate


WASHINGTON, DC — According to an opinion survey conducted by CNN, the majority of viewers agreed that Mitt Romney has the most aesthetically presidential appearance.  The survey was held on an evening of CNN’s The Situation Room, when Wolf Blitzer asked which presidential candidate looked the most like a president.Americans across the nation seem to be captivated by the former Massachusetts governer’s presidential looks. Swing voters seem to be especially captivated by Romney’s stereotypically presidential features. 

“He just looks like a good president”, says Louise Conway from Boise, Idaho.  “He is proportionally correct, has a good smile, and has very appropriately placed lines and wrinkles in his face give him an experienced, yet youthful look.  It’s very aesthetically pleasing–in a political way”. 

Another swing voter, Martin Walters of Ohio says, “I know I can trust this guy.  He looks like he’s a great guy because he smiles a lot.  He would make a good president.”  But that is not all that is on Walters’ mind when it comes to evaluating the position of presidential candidates.  “You’ve got to look at the big picture.  I mean, John Edwards looks too effeminate.  Too soft.  Huckabee looks too much like Kevin Spacey”.

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One response to “Romney Most Aesthetically Presidential Candidate

  1. Presidentially speaking, the chiseled good-looks of Mitt Romney definitely put him light years ahead of the other candidates! More importantly, his character and love for his family shines in his countenance and lights up his eyes.

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